Command and conquer the first decade digital
Command and conquer the first decade digital

Noticeably, Twisted Insurrection’s units have a personality that set this in stone as an outstanding mod.

command and conquer the first decade digital

It’s a rollercoaster that escalates from a small task force hunting for an abandoned GDI air base to an all-out battle. GDI Mission 9, ‘Flight’, stands out as one of the best, and apart from being the biggest C&C map I have ever played, it throws punches at you until the bitter end. The maps are beautifully designed throughout the campaigns, and crafted perfectly to guide you helpfully through the story. One minute you’ll be having a Starship Troopers-style firefight with swarms of giant mantises, the next there’ll be huge centipedes and ginormous floating woodlice closing in. There are new types of rare purple and red Tiberium to harvest and a host of strange mutations that fiercely guard it. The world itself is much more urbanised and varied. It’s a troublesome megacorporation which boasts an impressive arsenal of mechs, drones and other high-tech equipment, all backed up by the usual ‘sir, yes sir’, infantry and imposing-looking structures. Twisted Insurrection also adds a third, new faction: Globotech. Almost everything is either new or improved-with the exception of some of the basic infantry and a couple of the factories, which I suspect have been retained because Westwood did a good enough job with them. The sheer scale, attention to detail and lack of bugs is astonishing. Crucially, though, this mod is over ten years old and there are still missions being developed. The mod itself is standalone so there’s no barrier to entry, and anyone even vaguely familiar with C&C can just download it and throw themselves into its world of intrigue. Each one is set in a universe in which NOD won the first Tiberium War by capturing GDI’s Ion Cannon and having a huge barbecue on the lawn of the White House.

command and conquer the first decade digital

As well as skirmish and multiplayer modes, the mod offers a variety of new campaigns.

Command and conquer the first decade digital